Panic Bars, Importance in Commercial Property
Were you searching around for something like, “what is a panic bar for?” If so, you have come to the right place and we are glad you landed here. We are a team of well trained experts that knows all too well that adequate and proven security features are mandatory. Therefore, solutions such as panic bars hold a great deal of importance when it comes to commercial properties. Do you run a business? Is this a security feature you know about? There are many reasons to have this in place, and we are going to go over why it is important for your commercial property.
A panic bar is utilized to unlock a door quickly and it is sometimes called a push bar or crash bar or even a press bar (because you press down on it for it to function). It is a feature designed for safety compliance. In a nutshell, it is a metal bar (spring loaded) that is placed horizontally on the interior of a door. Because it can be hooked to an alarm system, it is something that can serve more than one purpose. What sort of properties use them? Retail stores, shopping malls, restaurants, theaters, offices, hotels and more. Many recognize their importance and want to be compliant when it comes to keeping people safe who enter their property.
Panic Bars – What Makes Them Such an Asset?
In an emergency situation, a press bar is an undeniable advantage. How so? Well, to start, it makes a door open just when one presses on a bar. Forget about having the need to turn a door knob in the event of an emergency, or having to stand there and get trampled while attempting to fumble around with a door lock. This would be very dangerous if there was a mass exit needed. If you’ve ever been in a building that caught fire, then you might have seen first-hand that overcrowding at the exit door can be extremely dangerous. But with a panic device, a person just has to push a bar and the door swings open. In addition to offering help in a mass exit, the device is handicapped-accessible.
Does My Property Need One?
What sort of property do you have responsibility for? What does the foot traffic look like inside? If an emergency were to occur, could numerous people run for the exit at the same time? If this did happen, would there be an abrupt stop in the crowd while one attempts to open a door knob? And if there were to be an abrupt stop, do you think people could fall or get injured, or otherwise lose the ability to get out? If so, you need a panic bar. You want the option for a speedy evacuation no matter the type of property you have, whether it’s a retail store, a grocery store, a college campus, a medical building or anything else. International Building Code will give you a better idea of the guidelines. Just so you know, panic devices tend to be needed when there is a potential occupancy of 50 or more persons in a building.
Let’s go into a little more detail for your reference.
Panic Bars Offer Safety
Yes, this is a security solution that can provide more security because of the fact that it goes inside a door. Outside access is preventable. And because you can link yours to an alarm, unauthorized entry could be picked up on right away.
Panic Devices Accelerate Large Exits
We discussed overcrowding at an exit door in the midst of the need for a mass exit. This device can help prevent trampling as well as injury, which is of course very important. A panic bar can save lives.
You Might Get Decreased Insurance Rates
Decreased insurance rates are a possibility. The premium on your facility might drop. It’s worth looking into. Of course, there are quite a few ways property owners can see lower insurance costs, for instance through fire extinguishers and child-resistant windows. This isn’t across the board but again something to ask about. Everyone enjoys saving! And how can you beat the opportunity to save lives and money?
You Get Options!
There are so many options with these devices. Detex makes an alarmed panic exit device that comes with a 100 decibel alarm. Harney Hardware has a device that can be cut to size. A proficient locksmith can help you to get the information you need if you are looking to stay within a certain price range or if you have something specific in mind. So call us if you are in our service location.
Panic Bar Installation Service
No matter where you are located, it is a good idea to reach out to an expert if you have bought a panic bar. You want it to be set up properly to ensure it works. Ask yourself - do you run a business? Is this a security feature you know much about? There are many reasons to have a panic bar in place, and we have taken the time in this article to go over why it is important for your commercial property. With all the brands, price points and options, you are not limited at all. The opportunity to save money on insurance is a huge benefit. The chance to make your property more accessible is a plus. You do need to protect the people who enter your property - this is something that is very important and can save lives. Clearly, if you have read this far, you are paying attention and demonstrating care about security so we want to say thank you for reading about the importance of panic bars for commercial properties.
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